There are many reasons about why to choose the open-source Joomla! content management system (CMS) over WordPress or Drupal. Joomla! is the most robust CMS and supports complicated websites better than its competitors. WordPress fails to provide enough power to handle websites with lots of pages, different meta-tags, or websites with multiple applications. Joomla! has search engine customization built-in, where WordPress and Drupal require additional plugins and support. Joomla! is 100% free and powered by thousands of volunteers who are dedicated to moving the project forward? Wordpress use should be reserved for Blogs.
Joomla! is the most versatile content management system weighing in with over 8,500 Extensions. These Extensions provide usability and functionality for large scale web projects. These Extensions provide eCommerce, social networking, security (such as backups), slideshows, galleries, weather modules, forms, FAQ, and hundreds of other important systems. Many of these extensions are available for free or are cheap to purchase. Extensions can be shown on the front-end of the website as module systems, such as a slideshow, but they can also have functions that are not visible to website visitors. Some extensions perform backups for the website, and others are used to quickly set-up keywords, descriptions, and title meta-tags for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Joomla.org has a social network and forum that help designers and developers solve problems and communicate about future extensions and products.
Joomla! websites are easy to update and user-friendly. Owners can update their website’s content, images, and front-page systems with only a few minutes of training.
Google Analytics on Joomla!
Google Analytics is an important tool to websites today. It enables developers and customers to see exactly where their hits are coming from and provides graphical representation of a websites success. Google Analytics shows the website administrator exactly where all of the hits are coming from across the entire globe. If you would like to see which keywords are most often typed in for your website, Google Analytics keeps track of every single search so that you can go forward with Google Adwords campaigns with confidence.
Installation of Google Analytics is easy on the Google side, but becomes slightly more difficult when using .php instead of .html.
Once the Google Analytics account is configured in Google, try to copy and paste the form into the header of your html file. In many Joomla! websites that I create this is not possible, but try pasting the form using follow the following directions. Go to the backend of the Joomla! website and highlight Extensions/Template Manager/Default Template (has a star)/Edit Html. If the website does have atag, copy the form just before thelocation. If the website does not have an html file install an extension.
Go to http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/site-management/site-analytics/12097 and download the AG Google Analytics component, and install it on the back-end of Joomla! (Extensions/Install). In order to configure this click on the Parameters button on the upper right of the component. The GA Website profile id can be found in the URL of the Google Analytics View Report Page after ID. Once the parameters have been set view the Google Analytics reports from the back-end of Joomla! or from Google Analytics.