Joomla Web Designing – Design Your Own Website

Developing a website is not a problem nowadays specially when people are making use of Joomla web designing techniques. As the name of the web designing technique appears to be a unique so is the working of this application. This application helps a company to explain their objectives, as joomla web designing application is used in different portals, newsletters, presentations and other promotional materials. A person can have a new website every day because of this world’s strongest open source content management system. It is extremely user friendly application and anyone can easily install this designing package. People who feel they have no technical knowledge can also run this designing application easily.

It becomes so easy to utilize ready to use open source website templates, a person can use them to create an attractive website anytime. A person can look after the website by keeping full control on it and there are so many companies that provide with best joomla web designing. These companies make sure that joomla website templates are protected by passwords and the person accessing the site can make changes in the site.

Nowadays there are several online companies working to serve clients with joomla web designing techniques. For those who are interested in this application can make use these online companies and get themselves registered through on line services.

One of the major advantages of using this kind of a web designing technique is that the search engine can read the location of joomla websites at a much faster speed than any other forms of websites. Users feel extremely happy to use new technique of joomla web designing [] that makes this business a successful one.

So, Enjoy working with this latest technique and feel free to design a website on your own by making use of joomla web designing. Keep the control over the site and bring changes as and when required to attract users at a faster rate.

What is Joomla?

Joomla! is an open-​source web­site frame­work. It is free to use and has a large volun­teer soci­ety that keeps the pro­ject mov­ing for­ward. Joomla! is both the struc­tural build­ing blocks of the web­site and the main­ten­ance tool. There are three parts of a Joomla! web­site. The “front-​end” is the web­site that we are all famil­iar with and is what is dis­played on your screen. The “back-​end” is the Joomla! con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem inter­face. The web­site is cre­ated and main­tained through the Joomla! back-​end. The back-​end is accessed by typ­ing web​site​.com/​a​d​m​i​n​i​s​t​rator and enter­ing the proper login inform­a­tion. The “core” powers both the front-​end and the back-​end of Joomla!, and works behind the scenes sew­ing the dif­fer­ent parts of Joomla! together.

The Back-​End

The back-​end of Joomla! is divided into sev­eral “Man­agers” and a series of “Com­pon­ents.” The Man­agers are admin­is­trat­ive tools that con­trol the vari­ous aspects of the web­site. For example, the Art­icle Man­ager con­trols the pages of the web­site, the Menu Man­ager links the art­icles to the menu items, and the Mod­ule Man­ager admin­is­trates the mod­u­lar add-​ons to the front-​end. The Com­pon­ents are installed addi­tions to the Joomla! backend. Com­pon­ents can gen­er­ate email forms, provide secur­ity and back-​ups, and much more. Com­pon­ents, Mod­ules, and Plu­gins are con­sidered “Exten­sions” because they are installed onto the Joomla! platform.

The different Joomla! Managers are:

  • Menu Manger — Con­trol menu struc­ture, menu item types, and what is dis­played on each page
  • User Man­ager — Add and remove users, adjust per­mis­sions, change passwords
  • Art­icle Man­ager — Cre­ate and update writ­ten con­tent and media
  • Cat­egory Man­ager — Cre­ate cat­egor­ies to organ­ize articles
  • Media Man­ager — Add and remove images and media
  • Mod­ule Man­ager — Adjust mod­ule para­met­ers, mod­ule pos­i­tions, and page assignments
  • Plu­gin Man­ager — Enable, dis­able, and adjust para­met­ers of web­site plugins
  • Tem­plate Man­ager — Change the Joomla! tem­plate and adjust parameters
  • Lan­guage Man­ager — Change the website’s language

These Man­agers enable com­plete web­site admin­is­tra­tion without need­ing to know how to code. “Hard Changes” to the web­site include alter­ing the tem­plate, mak­ing changes to the Joomla core, or mak­ing changes to mod­ules, com­pon­ents, or plu­gins. Quick Joomla Web­site Design provides train­ing to our cli­ents so they can change and update their web­site without need­ing to con­tact their webmaster.

Joomla! Extensions

The core and back-​end of Joomla! together form one of the most power­ful con­tent man­age­ment sys­tems avail­able. Joomla! gains addi­tional ver­sat­il­ity through the install­a­tion of Exten­sions. There are over 8,500 Exten­sions avail­able in the Joomla! Exten­sions Dir­ect­ory. These Exten­sions can provide secur­ity, admin­is­tra­tion, e-​Commerce, Mobile, Social, Cal­en­dar and Com­munity func­tions. The JED (Joomla! Exten­sions Dir­ect­ory) fea­tures reviews, rat­ings, demon­stra­tions, and down­loads for each Extension.

Who Chooses Joomla?

There are many reas­ons about why to choose the open-source Joomla! con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem (CMS) over Word­Press or Drupal. Joomla! is the most robust CMS and sup­ports com­plic­ated web­sites bet­ter than its com­pet­it­ors. Word­Press fails to provide enough power to handle web­sites with lots of pages, dif­fer­ent meta-​tags, or web­sites with mul­tiple applic­a­tions. Joomla! has search engine cus­tom­iz­a­tion built-in, where Word­Press and Drupal require addi­tional plu­gins and sup­port. Joomla! is 100% free and powered by thou­sands of volun­teers who are ded­ic­ated to mov­ing the pro­ject for­ward? Word­press use should be reserved for Blogs.

Joomla! is the most ver­sat­ile con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem weigh­ing in with over 8,500 Exten­sions. These Exten­sions provide usab­il­ity and func­tion­al­ity for large scale web pro­jects. These Exten­sions provide eCo­m­merce, social net­work­ing, secur­ity (such as backups), slideshows, gal­ler­ies, weather mod­ules, forms, FAQ, and hun­dreds of other import­ant sys­tems. Many of these exten­sions are avail­able for free or are cheap to pur­chase. Exten­sions can be shown on the front-​end of the web­site as mod­ule sys­tems, such as a slideshow, but they can also have func­tions that are not vis­ible to web­site vis­it­ors. Some exten­sions per­form backups for the web­site, and oth­ers are used to quickly set-​up keywords, descrip­tions, and title meta-​tags for Search Engine Optim­iz­a­tion (SEO).

Joomla​.org has a social net­work and forum that help design­ers and developers solve prob­lems and com­mu­nic­ate about future exten­sions and products.

Joomla! web­sites are easy to update and user-​friendly. Own­ers can update their website’s con­tent, images, and front-page sys­tems with only a few minutes of training.

Google Analytics on Joomla!

Google Analytics is an import­ant tool to web­sites today. It enables developers and cus­tom­ers to see exactly where their hits are com­ing from and provides graph­ical rep­res­ent­a­tion of a web­sites suc­cess. Google Analytics shows the web­site admin­is­trator exactly where all of the hits are com­ing from across the entire globe. If you would like to see which keywords are most often typed in for your web­site, Google Ana­lyt­ics keeps track of every single search so that you can go for­ward with Google Adwords cam­paigns with confidence.

Install­a­tion of Google Ana­lyt­ics is easy on the Google side, but becomes slightly more dif­fi­cult when using .php instead of .html.

Once the Google Ana­lyt­ics account is con­figured in Google, try to copy and paste the form into the header of your html file. In many Joomla! web­sites that I cre­ate this is not pos­sible, but try past­ing the form using fol­low the fol­low­ing dir­ec­tions. Go to the backend of the Joomla! website and high­light Extensions/​Template Manager/​Default Tem­plate (has a star)/Edit Html. If the web­site does have atag, copy the form just before the­l­o­ca­tion. If the web­site does not have an html file install an extension.

Go to http://​exten​sions​.joomla​.org/​e​x​t​e​n​s​i​o​n​s​/​s​i​t​e​-​m​a​n​a​g​e​m​e​n​t​/​s​i​t​e​-​a​n​a​l​y​t​i​c​s​/​12097 and down­load the AG Google Analytics com­pon­ent, and install it on the back-​end of Joomla! (Extensions/​Install). In order to config­ure this click on the Para­met­ers but­ton on the upper right of the com­pon­ent. The GA Web­site pro­file id can be found in the URL of the Google Analytics View Report Page after ID. Once the para­met­ers have been set view the Google Ana­lyt­ics reports from the back-​end of Joomla! or from Google Analytics.